Thursday, September 3, 2009

I usually only post if I have a picture, but I couldn't decide which one to choose from today. Bella's emotional meltdown at school, the fire breathing dragon I turned into as a result. The frustrated look on my face as the dentist explained why yet again we have to perform surgery on my mouth, which is of course expensive. Or the look of Hannah and I when we found our car interior soaking wet from the sprinklers being on! Any one of these picures would have told a thousand words, but I was humbled (yet again) by my wonderful girls. The entire day was put into perspective at bedtime when we were all snuggled into the king size bed with me in the middle and the girls both laying on each shoulder as we sang our bedtime songs as a trio. There was lots of giggling, kissing and Silent Night being sung over and over. I love these little ladies more than I could ever imagine and I am so grateful to have my priorities reprioritized!
I love you Bella and Hannah, and Schwartzy!

1 comment:

  1. Somehow it always works out that way....on a regular basis (at least for me :), kids always seem to make life a litte harder, or life is just unpredicable and not always in a good way.... but they (kids) never fail to make it the BEST again. I'm so glad you have your girls. And so glad that they have such an amazing mom. You are a wonderful example to me! Btw, my blog is You can connect to everyone else's from there. Can't wait for all the wonderful comments you are going to make!!! hahaha. Lunch soon?
    Love you.
